15 South 100 E.,
Beaver, UT 84713
(435) 438-2020
70 East 200 N., # 2,
Cedar City, UT 84720
(435) 535-0303

Waterworld: Are Your Eyes Too Moist?

October 25, 2022

When something unwanted shows up in your peepers—an eyelash, dust, a fleck of dirt—they produce tears to flush it out. Even intruders that are invisible or too small to perceive, such as smoke particles and chemicals in onions, get washed away by tears. But other eye issues and health problems can make your tear glands (acrimal glands) shift into overdrive. 

When you need an optometrist, you want a thoughtful and detailed provider who makes you feel at ease, listens to any of your concerns and offers excellent service. Eye Town proudly possesses all of those qualities, as well as contact lenses, a wide selection of eyeglass frames, and up-to-the-minute technology and knowledge.

These are the causes of some of those liquid-laden conditions. 

Dry eyes: Your tears dry up quickly because they lack the correct balance of mucus, oils and water, so your tear glands make more; extremely low outside temperatures or high winds; excessive coughing, sneezing and laughing. 

Conjunctivitis: Also known as pinkeye, conjunctivitis makes one or both eyes feel prickly and gritty, as if sand is in them. The white part of one or both eyes is pink or red. The most conventional causes are viral or bacterial infections. Viral infections don’t respond to treatment, but the bacterial ones can be treated with eye drops. 

Allergies: Pollen, dust, pet dander, smoke, mold, and certain cosmetics or perfumes are common perpetrators. (Colds make eyes water but not itch, which differentiates them from allergies.) 

Oil gland glitches: Teeny glands (called Meibomian glands) above your eyelids create oils that prevent your eyes from losing moisture. But if the Meibomians develop blockages severe enough to hinder the secretion of enough oil, an eye will get aggravated and soggy. 

An eyelash: One of these tiny hairs can turn into a troublemaker if it grows inward rather than outward and then rubs against the eyeball. An optometrist can banish the discomfort and surplus tears by detaching the eyelash or adjusting it so it points in the correct direction.

The office of Eye Town is courteous, professional and friendly. Everyone who uses us as their optometrist knows they made the right choice. Please call us today to find out how we can serve you.

About Us

Our full-range of vision care services includes comprehensive eye exams and contact lens exams and fittings as well as unique and affordable styles of designer eyewear and sunglasses for children and adults.

Beaver Office

15 South 100 E.,
Beaver, UT 84713

Cedar City Office

70 East 200 N., # 2
Cedar City, UT 84720